Back on the air

What has been going on in my life so far? Too bloody much. As I mentioned before, I relocated to London. I have since then been living with my parents which has been good so far. Although I had to adjust to the fact of sharing your house with others and to the idea of living again with your parents. But it has been ok! I have my own room, where I spend most of my time reading and browsin' other blogs and news and so.
I must admit I enjoy London and its people. I'm mostly amazed by the London'ers ability of being able to be polite but unfriendly at the same time. Fortunately, speaking several languages helped me to get in contact with different people. I also live in a very international neighbourhood: lot's of South African, Aussies, East- European, Spanish, Somali's, Arabs. You name......I could go hours on and on about how fascinating this city is and how expensive it is. I must say that mentally I'm much at ease in London.
I have been living as a spoiled tourist, exploring the city by walking and by bus. Doing nothing much else except Reading, reading and much more reading. On of the the most enjoyable things I have been able to do is spending loads of time with my little cousin of three years.
Further up-dates:
- Applied to another postgraduate course at the SOAS, Tuition fees only: 11k......Any sponsors please???
- Started learning Spanish.
- Became a member of the SOAS library.
- No Starbucks for me anymore: my addiction got so out of control, seriously! Their Chai Soya lattés are lethal.
- Applied for a driving license.
- Finally have alllllllll my cd's burnt and stored on my laptop.
- I met and spook with Ken Livingstone on the election day. Very outspoken man.
Hasta luego
im very impressed !
ur life style is intresting.
the fact that u read alot, i mean i have to say "well done" reading is the best fruite 4 the brain ;)
the best thing bout u right now, is that ur trying to quit smoking ( best of luck)
its really important that u do.
good luck, again, nice blog :)
Thank you No3ik. I myself do not really consider it really interesting. It seems I have gone on a long holiday after graduating and I’m kind of stuck in it. I do appreciate the fact that I do have plenty of time and enough sources to do things I couldn’t while being a student. But, it feels like standing still, not to be productive.
Reading is indeed the most enjoyable and beneficial activity one can do.
About smoking. To be honest to you. I do not think I'm trying really hard to quit, for some reasons. One is that (as weird as it may sound) this terrible habit has become a part of what I do and a part of me to a certain extend. It frightens me how my life would be without it, or what might replace it.....I don't know if it makes any sense. But, I will definitely quit soon insha'allah.
Oh.. Have u read "million little pieces" if u didn't, then u should.
its all about u :) wellon a more extreme level of course but its about addiction , you do know your an addict! Right?
Any ways, cause i swear what you have said up there, i could quote from the book. that's what all addicts say and have to face. its a rough road out there, and its very difficult cause you have to do it on your own, of course with the support of ur loved ones who care for ur well being :)
bout the graduation part, it is something very common that after u graduate, your kind of shocked, its like being shot! cause there was no warning what so ever that your life kind of freezez.
Everything is still, its all up to you to stir it back, but how and with what???
Most graduates go through depression because of that. i know i did.
so i can say try and concentrate on ur self for now, things will be sorted sooner or later :)
Sorry for taking so long :) enjoy ur achievements never underestimate u.
Hola mi amigo.. comme estas?
Welcome back.. Mabrook re: graduating/move to London.. AMAZING news about u making it to 3umra.. so glad u finally got the chance to go.. i know u were really looking fwd to it. Barrak Allah feek.
How many languages do u speak, if u dont mind me asking?
Beaten & mugged?! and ur still positive?!?! :O Kha6ak el shar.. glad to hear ur ok! :/
Enjoy this new phase in ur life.. and enjoy London.. it's been a couple years since i've been there.. itha Allah Ketab, I'm planning a trip out there late July inshAllah.
No I haven't read that book. To be honest, I tend to avoid being confronted with my addiction, of which I have been aware for years now. That’s why I never read any of those quit-smoking-books. You know: I just realized I have been smoking for a very long time now!!!
I decided to quit before graduation, as I was (and I am now more than ever) fed up with this stupid habit! I didn't stop back then cause, I made myself believe that stopping in such a stressful time could affect my concentration and much more of that kind of crap.........
Rationally, it doesn't make any sense at all: it’s a waist of my health and of people around me, my time, my money and it does not provide any satisfaction.
As for the graduation part. I'm glad that you mentioned the depression part, as I got depressed a while ago. After having done all major things that I really wanted to do, my mood went down gradually. But, now that everything is fine with me, I’m kind of enjoying this life style, which is very dangerous. However enjoying it, It feels like being robbed of my ambitions day after day,
It is time for some thorough reflection and serious actions.
Thanks for you kind advice.
Salaam MSB,
It’s so nice to hear from you. Thank u very much MSB! It sure is nice to be back.
I really got inspired by your post on your trip, remember. It's such an amazing experience, I just can't put it in plain words. Any person who can should go! I can really recommend it.
As for the beating and "near" robbing: ach! Al7amdullilah I'm ok, nothing major, there are worse things in life. I must say that I handed out some punchs too. And those who did it will be punished sooner or later.
Ya ahlan wa sahlan in London! tijeen bissalama insha'allah, I must say I like it here very much. It's this immense cosmopolitanism that attracts me the most in this city. I will surely enjoy it, thanks.
I don't mind you asking: I speak 5 languages, Spanish will soon insha’allah be number 6. Sounds like a perfect geek, isn’t it?
3umra: so glad to hear it! :)))
languages: mashAllah!! what r the 5 languages? it's my dream to learn as many languages as i can.. unfortunately, i'm stuck on 2.5 languages only! :( spanish is one i'd love to learn.. perhaps one of these days.
Arabic, English,French, Somali and Dutch.
2.5 is very impressive MSB! The best advice I can give you when learning a new language is to practice it as much as possible: Speak it with others, rather than to learn only (passivley) from books/audio tapes/cd's. Good Luck insha'allah.
I believe whenever you learn Spanish, learning other latin languages would be much easier.
that's how my 3 turned to 2.5! I used to know so much more french than i do today.. i learned it in school (3rd-5th grade) and then again in college (3 semesters). but i didn't have anyone to practice with outside of that, and hence, i'm EXTREMELY rusty now :(
inshAllah khair.. I'll find me someone who likes to learn languages and practice with them.
I know exactly how this feels. I learned German in high school. I didn't practice it anymore (I didn't thaught it was a beautifull language to learn), I fogot most of it.
Btw, the BBC learning Zone has good language learning programs for beginners to (Semi) advanced levels.
Welcome back :o)
Thanks q8Sultana
Salaam!!! you have a very interesting blog, MashaAllah! goodluck and more power?
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