Random Thoughts And Beyond...

Average guy with random thoughts


The Launch

Generous as I am, I decided, after thoughtful consideration, it was time to share my random thoughts and feelings on the big bad web.

Firstly, I would like to thank you for checking out my blog.

My God, I had so many things to tell a minute ago and now, it's all gone.

Well, unfortunately, you won't be getting much positive vibes from my blog's launch, as I'm really upset about the fact that the Dutch minister of Agriculture won't be resigning, as I really thought he would. After admitting he has been "neglective" several times on a row, I believe he lost his credibility and should leave.

How is it possible that there are no sanctions whatsoever, when it involves a minister's or a high government official's mistakes or “neglects” ? I mean, if I made only one mistake, which damages my integrity and prohibits me doing my job properly, I would be kissing it good bye and would be feeling my boss's shoe up my...., while the government officials receive a farewell bonus, in case they resign.

Are we living in a bogus-democracy?


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